Monday, February 27, 2012

TODAY is all we ever control...

After three weeks of blogging, the numbers are in.  Thanks to the support that I have been receiving from the wonderful people following this story around the world we have reached 30 countries and have had over 2,000 views on the blog.  I know the numbers are relatively small, but, like I said, this blog is only three weeks old.  So far, most of the feedback that I get is from Twitter and Dailymile.  I hope as the story grows that I get more feedback from the blog as well since I believe the blog is the easiest way for people to follow the progress by subscribing directly. 

Beginning Friday I will do all of my running outside regardless of the weather, which means no more treadmill!  22 miles per day everyday this week and then on Sunday 23 miles.  The longer the distance becomes that I run every day the more I live by the philosophy of one day at a time and making each day count. 

 Today's book excerpt from "365" (pg. 292)

"Another observation I have made regarding “today” is that today is all I can control.  I can’t control tomorrow because it’s not here yet.  When I realize that today is all that I can truly control, I instantly feel empowered.  When I break any goal down to what I can do today, I feel instantly empowered because I know that I can do it.  I am in control.

In your life, which is today, you will either ACT or REACT.  It’s really quite that simple.  If you don’t have goals broken down to today, you will probably react.  As I’ve stated earlier in the book, the only limit to what you can accomplish is your imagination and your level of commitment to making it real.  By realizing that today is all you have, you can eliminate one of the greatest obstacles to success – yourself!  By empowering yourself, you are not limiting yourself.  You have no idea what you are capable of.  The only way you can find out is by giving yourself a chance."

Jeffrey J. Miller 
Extreme marathoner
Soon to be New York Times best selling author

If your are interested in helping me complete a full marathon every day, there are two ways you can help, first and foremost, order the book, secondly, tell a few others about what it is that I am doing.  We can make a difference one person at a time.  

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