1,180.2 Miles ran so far in 2012
Blog Update:
Now viewed in 40 countries with almost 4,000 views in less than it's first 6 weeks.
5 hrs 47 min 58 seconds was my official run time to complete 27.2 miles. (I ran an extra mile just to be sure that I had the distance covered). But, if you look at actual clock time, since there are no restrooms set up every two miles or so and I must deviate from the course to an occasional gas station, then proceed back to the route, it took almost seven hours to complete. No wonder my feet are a little tender!
Today's run I would easily classify as the most difficult run I have ever completed. I have run this distance before and even completed a 40 mile run. But I ramped up my training on concrete back then. I had no choice since October but to train on a treadmill. If I could go back and do it again I would have ramped up my running to at least 35 miles per day on the treadmill. Then the concrete would have been more tolerable because of the significantly shorter distance (9 miles is a pretty good difference). What I experienced today was a lot of good pain. The burn we feel when we have pushed our muscles to failure. But fortunately there is nothing more powerful than a made-up mind. So, I just kept moving.
of my all time favorite quotes comes from Ralph Waldo Emerson:
"Whatever we persist in doing becomes easier, not that the nature of the
task has changed, but our ability to do has increased."
So it is
with thought in mind that I continue this journey of attempting to become
the first American to ever run 365 marathons in 365 days, tomorrow will be day 2.
actually believe that this idea applies to pretty much anything, the
more we do it, the easier it becomes. This is such a powerful
distinction to make because the greatest obstacle to success is fear of
The moment we accept the fact that anything we persist
at doing actually becomes easier all fear of failure is automatically
removed. (Take a moment and let that thought sink in!)
I am pleased to be here at the beginning of your journey and I will be here all the way through until you achieve your fantastic goal! Well done for today's effort :o) (@bimblerbaz)