1,207.4 Miles ran so far in 2012
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I ran the exact same route as yesterday, but my runmeter app turned itself off a half mile into the run and I did not notice it until mile marker two. So I made sure that even though I ran the same route as yesterday that I had registered 26.2 miles through my runmeter. But, for the record I completed 27.2 miles today.
As far as how today went. I truly believed that it would have been slightly easier than yesterday. I was wrong. Transitioning from treadmill to the street has proved to be way more difficult than I anticipated. If you ever plan on completing a marathon I would suggest doing every mile of training on the street where the marathons take place.
My legs were extremely tight at the beginning of the run. I figured as long as I kept the pace nice and easy that I would work out the tightness with the miles. By mile 13 I was in pain. It was a good pain, but I was definitely feeling some pain. I just pressed on. Somewhere around mile 16, which happens to also be the hilliest part of the route I decided that I would walk for a little bit around each mile marker hoping to loosen up the legs a little more. I do not think I will ever do that again. It may work for some people, but as for me, every time I did that and commenced running the legs would hurt a little more than the previous mile.
Until between mile 21 and 22 that is. By then, my left leg did not want to bend at all. I could run, but it wasn't pretty. So I decided not to force it and reminded myself that I am in this for the long haul. Staying vertical and staying mobile is my primary goal. I told myself around mile 23 that I would crawl to the 26.2 mile mark before I quit and knowing that, I finished the final miles, then proceeded home to make the kids and I some wonderful peanut butter and banana sandwiches.
As far as tomorrow goes (Day 3), I am going to do exactly what I know how to do. I am going to take it one mile at a time, and when necessary, I will take it one step at a time.
WOW!!! just catching up ...so glad you took rest before and so happy you've got two days done! good luck tomorrow :)