MILE 1... 39 degrees, overcast, light breeze. Legs tight from yesterday, feet a little sore. Otherwise great...
...MILE 2... Thursday night's storm got me looking for my Gore-tex rain gear from my golfing days. Now I just wish I could find a way to run and blog and golf at the same time...
...MILE 3... And yes, if I won $640 million in yesterday's lottery, I would still be doing this today!...
...MILE 4... The only difference would be that Instead of running ALL 365 marathons on the route of the LaCrosse Fitness Festival Marathon, every few weeks I would run my 26.2 in other cities, which in turn would allow me to reach more people...
...MILE 5... Louisville, Kentucky in April, all over the midwest in May, June in San Diego and Seattle, July in San Francisco, August in Wyoming, September in Colorado...
...MILE 6...Chicago in October, of course New York in November, Vegas and Hawaii in December, Orlando and Miami in January, New Orleans in February, and Washington DC in March...
...MILE 7... Internationally I would be running in Berlin, Cape Town, Cairo, Hong Kong, London, Madrid, Moscow, Munich, Paris, Prague, Rio, Rome and Tokyo for starters!...
...MILE 8... With the momentum of the consecutive marathons would come significant global media exposure allowing me to motivate and inspire millions of people to adapt a new thought process of consistency over quantity...
...MILE 9...Millions would be reminded to make each day count, that all that matter's is what we do TODAY, and once today is gone, it is gone forever, we never get it back. But most importantly, that one day at a time we CAN do just about anything...
...MILE 10...I got so caught up in thought that I forgot to eat! Now I am REALLY hungry (oops)...
...MILE 11...And another thing, aside from continuing my marathons everyday even if I won that lottery, I would of course be debt free and have my own Falcon Tri-Jet 7X to get to these places. (I already know what pilot to hire!). Freedom to me is to go where you want, when you want, with who you want....
...MILE 12...Shoes! I would probably have more than two pairs of shoes! Just think, by Monday I will have put almost 500 miles on these two pair in just under three weeks...
...MILE 13...I am including this perspective in today's blog because I realize that I am incredibly lucky to know that I am doing exactly what I would be doing if money was not an issue. I'd just be doing it in more places and thus be reaching more people...
...MILE 14...Peanut butter and banana sandwich with coffee at working it's magic now. Life is good...
...MILE 15... Good time to remember that the day will come when I am unable to do this. Today is not that day. (Thanks Kevin - that thought has stuck!)...
...MILE 16... Where the fun begins...
...MILE 17... The hills - the rest of today's run will be fueled by determination - feet feeling it, but there is ALWAYS a reason not to do it!...
...MILE 18... The temp is now up to 45 degrees and still overcast, now if I could only be done in four hours! That may be why my feet hurt more than I am used to. Patience is the key...
...MILE 19... Starting to slow down a bit. Respecting the feet. Aside from sore feet, I feel fantastic...
...MILE 20...One foot on front of the other...
...MILE 21... Getting hungry again! Imagine that!...
...MILE 22... Still in the forties but I am getting a little warm now. How is that possible?!...
...MILE 23... Just maintaining a nice slow jog at this point....
...MILE 24... I got this!...
...MILE 25... Even on the 25th mile I can say with absolute certainty that I would still be doing this if I did win the lottery!...
...MILE 26...ALMOST THERE (must have been all the extra gear I was wearing all day with the cool temps - going on seven hours!!!)...
...FINISHED - Map and stats
Great job Jeff! You are reaching more folks than you know. The numbers are growing each day! You go! :)