About midway through yesterday's run it dawned on me that I could actually blog while I run. I have been tweeting as I run for some time now. It really is not that different. It actually makes sense. My mind is clearest when I run. I feel the most inspired when I run. I also think it is amazing that I am able to blog as I run, tweet updates every mile that can be received by anyone around the world and the feedback that I get is almost instantaneous. It does not matter if the feedback is coming from Arizona, Florida, Texas or Washington, or even Brazil, Germany, India or the UK (to name just a few).
To undertake something this grand in scale is only made possible for me from the feedback that I get. I am running 6 hours per day (on average), seven days a week and I do that while the kids are in school. This is how yesterday looked for me;
6-8 a.m. Family time / get the kids to school
8:30-2:30 p.m. Run a marathon / Blog
3:30p.m. Pick up the kids from school
4:30-9p.m. Go to work (this part I am hoping to replace with family time! - THAT is the dream)
9p.m.-midnight -Family time
Midnight -6a.m. REST
Enough of that, back to the running. Around mile seven I will pass 1,500 miles for 2012 and it is a perfect day for it. 48 degrees at the start and a high of 57. Winds seem to be much better than yesterday. The goal for today is to nail the six hour mark...
MILE 6 - The wind is not very strong but it is very cold. Then when the sun pops out it feels warm. One minute I am very cold, the next minute I'm sweating, which of course makes the cold colder a moment later. More importantly, the feet and legs feel good...
MILE 7 - 1,500 miles logged running SO FAR in 2012 and to quote Sinatra, the best is yet to come...
MILE 13 - About a mile behind where I should be right now. Feeling sluggish and ready for a siesta - 12 yr old has ear infection - not much sleep last night - so at this point if I finish in six hours, great, if not, I will just try to keep it as close as I can. Right now the sun is shining and the birds are chirping, so I will focus on that and let it effect my energy. Right now, time does not exist...
MILE 15 - I am tired and here come the hills - time to put on "Don't stop believin'" by Journey
MILE 18 - Catching myself actually yawning and feel like I need toothpicks to keep my eyes open, the wind is still very cold. Aside from that, I am great!...
MILE 20 - refueled with pizza, cheetos and coffee, oh yea, and a couple tootsie rolls - that's sure to wake me up!...
Mile 23 - Should be done by now! Way off the 6 hr goal but it is turning out to be a beautiful day! I am tired right now, I have been on my feet for six hours and I have a little over three miles to go, but I know that RIGHT NOW millions have it way worse than I do....
MILE 25 - Now it is turning into a beautiful day...
THE FINISH - Now THAT was a long day and though I felt tired throughout the entire run I am noticing that my legs and feet don't hurt near as much as they did at the beginning or even last week for that matter. That is really saying a lot considering that we are more likely to experience these things when we are tired.
So for the record today's marathon was completed in a blazing 6 hrs and 45 min and the miles logged running so far in 2012 is 1,519!!!
As I build momentum with these marathons, wonderful people have inquired how they could support the cause, for those of you that want to support the cause, buy the book, "The 365 Day Challenge" (which is not about this marathon challenge - that book is still being written). "365" is about the fact that you can do just about anything ONE DAY AT A TIME.
And for those that really, really want to support this cause, buy extra books for anyone you know who is serious about their goals.
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