Friday, June 8, 2012

85th marathon in 85 days completed

Mile 1 - 8:15 a.m. start time. 60 degrees and sunshine with a high of 80 today...

Miles 2 & 3 - My route today will be based off of where I can find the most shade...

Mile 4 - Since I finished yesterday's marathon before 8 a.m. and started today's marathon after 8 a.m. I was able to get caught up on some rest...

Mile 5 - Of course I worked my eight hours yesterday, but unfortunately it was not the most productive of days...

Mile 6 - Today will be another one of the days I do my 26.2 miles in pieces, family and work come first...

Mile 7 - Balancing it all can be more challenging than running 26.2 miles each and every day...

Mile 8 - But that is also one of the major reasons why I am doing this...

Mile 9 - My dream is a rather simple one. Next year I want to be able to work on my books (writing, editing, promoting etc...) while my kids are in school. Evenings and weekends I want to be free to spend time with my children. They grow up way too fast...

Mile 10 - June, July and August I do not work (next year and every year thereafter) It is time to be home with the kids instead of dropping them off at a day care or giving them a stack of DVDs and movies to keep them content. That is my dream life...

Mile 11 - Any person can earn more money in nine months than most people do in twelve months by working smarter...

Mile 12 - Life just flies by us way too fast. Each week goes by in the blink of an eye as does each year. Simply put, life is just way too short...

Mile 13 - June, July and August should be forever a time of family vacations, time on the river and RV trips...

Mile 14 - I run five to seven miles everyday for me, that is just what I would do anyway...

Mile 15 - The full 26.2 miles I run every day is my personal sacrifice I am willing to make for one quick year of my life that is going to fly by anyway...

Mile 16 - This is my chance to do something that might inspire others to do a little bit more than they otherwise would...

Mile 17 - There is a great deal of struggle to do this everyday. Mentally and physically. I have no marathon history which may be why It takes me so long to complete every day...

Mile 18 - My feet hurt a lot while I run, but even more when I get up in the morning or anytime I get up for that matter. But I have a simple dream, and anything worth having is worth working for...

Mile 19 - A person could write a great book that could make a significant difference in the world, but if no one knows it exists it is of very little value...

Mile 20 -I have written a number of books that I believe have the ability to motivate and inspire countless others around the globe...

Mile 21 - So I spend one year (now about nine months) giving them "something to talk about", re-defining possible, making each and every day count, so I can live that life of which I dream...

Mile 22 - Working while the kids are in school, off when the kids are off. While making a difference in the world!...

Mile 23 - The most important distinction that I have made recently is to not forget the long term reasons why I am doing this...

Mile 24 - It can be very easy for me to get extremely discouraged because I am having such a minor impact right now...

Mile 25 - I cannot and must not forget the long term reasons why I am putting myself through this kind of struggle...

Mile 26 - On an entirely different note, it has been a ridiculously hot and humid day and my legs and feet are feeling it. But remembering the dream has kept me moving in this extreme heat and helped me finish a little quicker than normal. Which is good because I am cooking!

26.2 miles completed in 5 hrs and 30 min total running time!

Check out this crazy marathon route!

I have completed a full marathon seven days a week, whether I felt like it or not, as a platform for a book that I spent 9 years working on. 

The message of the book is that we can do pretty much anything ONE DAY AT A TIME.  The book is not about running, it is about improving.  It is about getting better at anything we want to improve at by making small incremental improvements that make the difficult things not only achievable, but relatively easy.  

This book was written for anyone who desires to get motivated and more importantly discover how easy it can be to STAY motivated. 

Anyone can get motivated, very few can stay motivated.  I am giving this book the epic platform that it deserves because I believe that staying motivating is the bridge between dreams and reality. 

This book is available in paperback as a print on demand - if you wish to order a copy or twelve, click here.