Thursday, June 21, 2012

99th marathon in 99 days completed

Mile 1 - 70 degrees and sunshine with a high of 79 today...

Mile 2 - Right now there is a light breeze that hopefully keeps the bugs in check...

Mile 3 - Today's 26.2 miles will be broken up between taking the kids where they need to go and of course work, finishing up whatever miles remain between 10 PM and midnight...

Mile 4 - Since I have to break it up and it is nice out, I am mixing in street running and treadmill...

Mile 5 - It also helps me break it up mentally, which I believe is a big part of what makes this even possible...

Miles 6 and 7 - The treadmill has allowed me to spend more time with the kids...

Mile 8 - And for me, nothing is more important than that...

Mile 9 - It is my dream after all, to have a career as an author...

Mile 10 - Working on my books during the school year...

Mile 11 - Spending the rest of my time with the kids. Traveling, exploring, learning and living...

Mile 12 - Life is a gift, and I don't plan on waisting it...

Mile 13 - And each day a gift in itself...

Mile 14 - This gift of a day just happens to include 26.2 miles of running (for the 99th day in a row)...

Mile 15 - If I can make it through today's 26.2 miles I get the privilege of completing day 100 tomorrow...

Mile 16 - In the meantime, soon I will be off to work...

Mile 17 - Just a few more miles before work...

Mile 18 - Today seems to be flying by...

Mile 19 - That is the one thing I have going for me on this adventure, time flies...

Mile 20 - Time to go to work...

Mile 21 - Right after this mile, I have exactly 5.2 miles left for after work...

Mile 22 - 10:30 PM Just got back from work, switched shoes and beginning final leg of today's run...

Mile 23 - 68 degrees under clear skies with a light breeze...

Mile 24 - My son Kahlen is running ahead with our yellow lab...

Mile 25 - And my daughter Jessica is by my side on the mountain bike...

Mile 26 - Not often in a person's lifetime can a they enjoy running their 26th mile of their 99th marathon in 99 days!

The equivalent of 99 marathons in 99 days is complete (Just after 11:30 PM)