Saturday, June 9, 2012

87th marathon in 87 days completed

Mile 1 - High near 90 degrees today with lots of sun and humidity = treadmill while watching more movies with the kids...

Mile 2 - As I have said in the past, running 26.2 miles every day is difficult enough...

Mile 3 - There is no point in making it more difficult...

Mile 4 - As I have studied others in the past who have done similar challenges in the past I realized what mattered most was the miles completed...

Mile 5 - There is plenty of sacrifice just doing the running, especially when it takes five and a half hours of each day...

Mile 6 - No point in sacrificing family life as well...

Mile 7 - I got to take my twelve year old disk golfing and kayaking today and still have plenty of time and energy to knock out 26.2 miles...

Mile 8 - Running a marathon a day is one thing. My goal is to do it while working full time and having a great family life...

Mile 9 - Anything is possible if you ask the right questions...

Mile 10 - Decide what you want and ask yourself how it can be done...

Mile 11 - But most importantly how can it be done and be enjoyed at the same time...

Mile 12 - Once you figure out how to make what you do enjoyable, you greatly increase your chances of following through day after day...

Mile 13 - Consistency ultimately leads to mastery...

Mile 14 - And for the record, running on the street is definitely easier mentally!!!...

Mile 15 - I have come to the conclusion that variety is the answer...

Mile 16 - The running is monotonous enough, so the key to sticking with it, no matter what your distance, is to change it up constantly...

Mile 17 - There is nothing wrong with keeping the distance the same...

Mile 18 - I once heard that author Wayne Dyer had run 7 miles per day for thirty years and was still going...

Mile 19 - In an interview he had done he stated that not once in those thirty years had he not gotten sick...

Mile 20 - I also know he traveled a lot and ran every where he went to keep his habit intact...

Mile 21 - In my past travels I ran as well...

Mile 22 - I will again, but it will be marathons as well...

Mile 23 - That is another dream of mine that makes it possible for me to spend well over five hours on the treadmill (while watching movies with the kids)...

Mile 24 - The mere thought of running in marathons around the globe...

Mile 25 - Almost done!...

Mile 26 - The last mile is some times the hardest, and sometimes the easiest. Today it is somewhere in the middle.

26.2 miles completed for the 87th time in 87 days!!!

I have completed a full marathon seven days a week, whether I felt like it or not, as a platform for a book that I spent 9 years working on. 

The message of the book is that we can do pretty much anything ONE DAY AT A TIME.  The book is not about running, it is about improving.  It is about getting better at anything we want to improve at by making small incremental improvements that make the difficult things not only achievable, but relatively easy.  

This book was written for anyone who desires to get motivated and more importantly discover how easy it can be to STAY motivated. 

Anyone can get motivated, very few can stay motivated.  I am giving this book the epic platform that it deserves because I believe that staying motivating is the bridge between dreams and reality. 

This book is available in paperback as a print on demand - if you wish to order a copy or twelve, click here.