Mile 2 - I finished yesterday's 26.2 miles after eleven last night, and today will be another one of those days...
Mile 3 - 26.2 miles piece by piece...
Mile 4 - It almost feels chilly out here!...
Mile 5 - There is a very strong wind out of the north right now...
Mile 6 - So I am running straight into it!...
Mile 7 - So I can have it at my back later in the run...
Mile 8 - I do not know why, but instead of taking the marsh trails to the north, I took the sidewalk on the four lane highway...
Mile 9 - At least the traffic is not too heavy...
Mile 10 - I will be taking the trails through the marsh when I head back to the south...
Mile 11 - But first I will head to the west, away from the highway...
Mile 12 - Heading through the beautiful industrial park to get to the marsh...
Mile 13 - My feet are feeling tender too early in the run!...
Mile 14 - Finally made it to the marsh...
Mile 15 - And the wind is at my back!...
Mile 16 - Quiet, tree-lined residential streets for the next few miles...
Mile 18 - I feel like I have already ran 26.2 miles!...
Mile 19 - This will be my final mile until after work (around 10 p.m.) when I will finish up the 26.2 miles for the day...
Mile 20 - 10:07 p.m. Back on the street...
Mile 21 - Got home from work, switched shoes and out the door...
Mile 22 - Considering the streak that is on the line I am cutting it a little close tonight...
Mile 23 - My son is out with me again keeping me company for these last seven miles...
Mile 24 - Just like yesterday, the night air is amazing...
Mile 25 - No traffic, just us, our yellow lab and the crickets...
Mile 26 - Starting my 26th mile at 11:23 p.m. - Plenty of time! (Listening to "Shout" by Tears for Fears - without headphones of course.)
The equivalent of 90 marathons completed in 90 days!
Run Time: 5:51:44
Distance: 26.32 miles
Average Pace: 13:22 /mile
Fastest Pace: 9:22 /mile
Ascent: 1216 feet
Descent: 1213 feet
Calories: 3593
Average Pace: 13:22 /mile
Fastest Pace: 9:22 /mile
Ascent: 1216 feet
Descent: 1213 feet
Calories: 3593
I have completed the equivalent of a full marathon seven days a week, whether I felt like it or not, as a platform for a book that I spent 9 years working on.
The message of the book is that we can do pretty much anything ONE DAY AT A TIME. The book is not about running, it is about improving. It is about getting better at anything we want to improve at by making small incremental improvements that make the difficult things not only achievable, but relatively easy.
This book was written for anyone who desires to get motivated and more importantly discover how easy it can be to STAY motivated.
Anyone can get motivated, very few can stay motivated. I am giving this book the epic platform that it deserves because I believe that staying motivating is the bridge between dreams and reality.
This book is now available in paperback - if you wish to order a copy or twelve, click here.