1,726 MILES in 2012
MILE 1 - 6 a.m. start time with temps in the early forties. Starting this early all that I can think of is the fact that this is something I "get to do". The idea is to finish my marathon by noon allowing me to spend the remainder of my day balanced between family and work. Most importantly it is the increase in family time that I seek. I cannot think of a more worthy goal!...

MILE 3 - Legs started a little tighter and feet a little more sore than I am used to in the first couple miles but they are adjusting quickly...
MILE 4 - I challenge you today to live by one rule... Everyday above ground is a great day. Decide to make that your focus for today. How? Just keep repeating it!...
MILE 5 -Life is what you make it right now...
MILE 6 - I can't stop taking pictures again. I am lucky to get to run where I do, and even luckier to know it...
MILE 7 - Remember, obstacles are what we see when we take our mind off our goals...
MILE 8 - Right now I feel fantastic...
MILE 9 - I am feeling extremely motivated and inspired!...

MILE 11 - Keeping a nice, easy pace with the goal of mile 26 being as easy as this one...
MILE 12 - Can't believe I am already at mile 12. I'm not going fast but the day is!...
MILE 13 - I also cannot believe it is only 37 degrees. But everyone I see is wearing coats and I see my breath it must be. Feels more like 50 to me!...

MILE 15 - Listening to "The Climb", a great song to run to...
MILE 16 - Definitely going a bit slower than normal today, but I feel as if I have only run 5 miles so far, so the slower pace is worth it...
MILE 17 - If I could give new runners only one piece of advice it would be; when in doubt, slow down...

MILE 19 - Still going strong. Slow, but strong!...
MILE 20 - I like this so much, I may even start a little earlier tomorrow!...
MILE 21 - Seems like a good time for a second wind!!!
MILE 22 - Almost there!!!...
MILE 23 - Not gonna finish by noon but that is OK, because I feel about as good as I did at mile 11 and that is more important to me than what time of the day it is!...
MILE 24 - I have finally figured it out though, the most predictable way to finish anything earlier is to start earlier ;)
MILE 25 - I may actually feel slightly better than I felt at mile 11. That is a great feeling!...
MILE 26 - Since I already have three years of preparation (seven days a week) invested in this project, I have decided to upgrade my goal. Every author needs a platform and this is mine; I am not going to just run 365 marathons, I am going to complete a marathon every day UNTIL I sell 100,000 copies of my book that motivates and inspires you to make each day count for just one year.
WHY? We ALL take today for granted and if we challenged ourselves to truly make each day count, even if only for a year, we would be astonished at the transformation that would take place in our lives, spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally!
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