MILE 2 - Since I am expecting rain, it is amazing how greatly I appreciate every mile it is not!!...
MILE 3 - Got a few hours extra rest last night and feeling great!
MILE 4 - I am feeling highly motivated right now because of the amazing feedback I am receiving...
MILE 5 - Keeping a nice and easy pace...
MILE 6 - STILL no rain :)
MILE 7 - The wind, which is gusting, is right in my face right now giving my legs a good workout today, even at my pace!....
MILE 8 - Meaning the wind will be at my back the second half!!!...
MILE 9 - Starting to rain :)
MILE 10 - Blogging under a tree!...
MILES 11 & 12 - What I used to think of as a bus stop, I now think of as a rain day blog spot!...
MILE 13 - Just sprinkling now :)
MILE 14 - If you see a guy running down the street with a cup of coffee in his hand, that would be me!...
MILE 15 - Coffee is gone and so is the rain, life is good!...
MILE 16 - The wind is now at my back and I feel light as air!...
MILE 17 - Drying up and warming up now. I think the rain is done for the rest of the run!...
MILE 18 - Legs and feet feeling great right now!...
MILE 19 - Not often I get to run the last half with the wind at my back. I could get used to this!...
MILE 20 - This is pretty much where the run begins these days...
MILE 21 - Turning into a fairly uneventful marathon and I just realized that this is a good thing....
MILE 22 - Maybe tomorrow I will get to run in the rain more!....
MILE 23 - I think I am starting to get the hang of this!....
MILE 24 - The wind is really picking up and I am really glad I am not running into it!...
MILE 25 - This is finally beginning to feel like auto-pilot, and no, that is not because the wind is at my back, I am going more East and West at this point so the wind isn't at my back now, it is just how I feel right now...
MILE 26 - If I were to measure my progress by one thing, it would be how much spring I have in my step at this point of the marathon. That is exactly what I have been noticing lately. I still have spring in my step where only weeks ago I was dragging. My feet are still tender, but improved.
One of my favorite comments from yesterday on Dailymile:..."A true inspiration. in fact you've got me thinking, and just thinking, about having a crack at it myself!" - Mat R.
One of my favorite Tweets from today:
@zingextreme: It's London Book Fair next week! So ZingHQ has bought some books by folk we're following: The365DayChallenge by @jeffreyjmiller1 #AGoodRead
Wow - you are amazing. Great job and keep inspring everyone!