Saturday, June 2, 2012

80th marathon in 80 days completed

Mile 1 - 11:15 start time (late start = extra rest) 66 degrees and sunny with a high of 73...

Mile 2 - My feet feel like I am wearing ten pound ankle weights right now!...

Mile 3 - One of these days I am going to have one of those easier runs...

Mile 4 - At least it is another beautiful day. I have some great tree lined routes to run around the city and I am never far from the river...

Mile 5 - For now, I am trying to stick with the routes that provide the most shade...

Mile 6 - My feet feel a little better now than when I started, which is helpful...

Mile 7 - Heading into the marsh, away from the world of automobiles, mixing in some trail running...

Mile 8 - Admittedly, as slow as these marathons have gone lately, I have had stretches of mileage where I have pushed myself faster than I should...

Mile 9 - Not today. Slow and steady is the goal for today. Consistency is what I am shooting for today...

Mile 10 - Venturing further north today...

Mile 11 - I am gonna have to find some water soon!...

Mile 12 - More trails (heading east)...

Mile 13 - Warming up nicely today. The change of scenery is worth getting a little more sun...

Mile 14 - Time to start working my way back to the south...

Mile 15 - And back into the wind...

Mile 16 - At least I am heading in the direction of home...

Mile 17 - and the wind is not as strong as it has been lately...

Mile 18 - Off the trails and back on to the sidewalk along the four lane hwy heading south...

Mile 19 - Heavy weekend traffic today...

Mile 20 -I am glad I do not run this route more often. Way too much traffic. Calling an audible. My Gatorade ran out well over three hours ago. Gonna finish the final miles on the treadmill so I can get away from the noise and exhaust, hang out with my daughter AND have gatorade!...

Mile 21 - Re-fueled and with company now!...

Mile 22 - Time for a second wind. Any minute now...

Mile 23 - My feet are still tender, but probably better today than they have been all week...

Mile 24 - Just grinding it out at this point...

Mile 25 - Almost there...

Mile 26 - Twenty days until triple digits. One day at a time.

26.2 miles completed. Again. For the 80th day in a row!

I have completed a full marathon seven days a week, whether I felt like it or not, as a platform for a book that I spent 9 years working on. 

The message of the book is that we can do pretty much anything ONE DAY AT A TIME.  The book is not about running, it is about improving.  It is about getting better at anything we want to improve at by making small incremental improvements that make the difficult things not only achievable, but relatively easy.  

This book was written for anyone who desires to get motivated and more importantly discover how easy it can be to STAY motivated. 

Anyone can get motivated, very few can stay motivated.  I am giving this book the epic platform that it deserves because I believe that staying motivating is the bridge between dreams and reality. 

This book is available in paperback as a print on demand - if you wish to order a copy or twelve, click here.