Wednesday, May 23, 2012

70th marathon in 70 days completed

MILE 1 - 8 a.m. Start time. 63 perfect degrees and partly sunny with a high today in the low eighties...

MILE 2 - The last eight miles yesterday were a lot more difficult than I am used to...

MILE 3 - I am continuing to learn as I go as to what works and what doesn't...

MILE 4 - It seems that whenever I get caught up in thinking about time, I tend to push myself more...

MILE 5 - Which would be fine if I were taking days off to recover, but I am not...

MILE 6 - So my goal is to NOT push myself, rather to make this daily 26.2 mile run as smooth and effortless as is conceivably possible...

MILE 7 - And that happens when I slow down and just float along, when time does not exist, when I just run...

MILE 8 - As long as we keep ourselves moving, we will get to where we want to go....

MILE 9 - Whatever we do, one of our primary conscious goals should be to enjoy the process....

MILE 10 - This idea applies to just about anything that we do. Running, walking, our job, housework, spending time with our children, yard work, reading...

MILE 11 - All to often we get so caught up in completing what we are doing we forget that now is all we ever have...

MILE 12 - Time flies and life is way too short, one day bleeds into the next...

MILE 13 - And we suddenly ask ourselves, where did the time go?...

MILE 14 - Knowing these things will only get you so far, the challenge for all of us is remembering...

MILE 15 - As for how this idea of forgetting about time is going for me today, I feel great so far...

MILE 16 - Which is really saying a lot because it is very windy today!...

MILE 17 - But without this wind, I would really be feeling today's high heat and humidity...

MILE 18 - Speaking of weather, I just checked Sunday's forecast (Rochester, MN Med-City marathon) - 90 degrees!!!...

MILE 19 - That is all I am going to say about that!...

MILE 20 - I do not want to say anything about my last two events that may jinks this one!!!...

MILE 21 - Kahe has been running with me almost every day now at the end of the run, he is now up to just over seven miles per day...

MILE 22 - And he just started running this month!...

MILE 23 - Venturing back into the hills and out of the wind...

MILE 24 - And all things considered, I feel outstanding right now...

MILE 25 - And it is 81 degrees on the bank thermometer we just passed coming back into town!...

MILE 26 - And it is extremely humid today! Not once in today's run did I concern myself with time. I just kept moving at a nice and easy pace. Here I am on my final mile and I feel terrific.

COMPLETED! Hitting the shower and off to work so I will be matching the pictures with their corresponding miles and linking the completed map just before eleven tonight. Have a GREAT day!



(updated every five minutes)
Link also includes stats, feedback and maps of past marathons

Just think, only 300 days to go!!!

I have completed a full marathon seven days a week, whether I felt like it or not, as a platform for a book that I spent 9 years working on. 

The message of the book is that we can do pretty much anything ONE DAY AT A TIME.  The book is not about running, it is about improving.  It is about getting better at anything we want to improve at by making small incremental improvements that make the difficult things not only achievable, but relatively easy.  

This book was written for anyone who desires to get motivated and more importantly discover how easy it can be to STAY motivated. 

Anyone can get motivated, very few can stay motivated.  I am giving this book the epic platform that it deserves because I believe that staying motivating is the bridge between dreams and reality. 

This book is available in paperback as a print on demand - if you wish to order a copy or twelve, click here.  
 If you have not checked out the iFitness Running Belt Giveaway and product review click here