Sunday, May 27, 2012

74th marathon in 74 days completed

\Mile 1 - Starting time 7:00 a.m. 63 degrees with a cool breeze out of the south. The forecast for today is in the 90's!!!...

Mile 2 - Plenty of sunshine already! It's gonna be a scorcher...

Mile 3 - Almost there!...

Mile 4 - I continue to be amazed at the number of volunteers that come out in a Sunday morning to support the runners...

Mile 5 - Another marathon for Eddie Izzard for Nelson Mandela. Because of unforeseen medical complications Eddie had to abandon his challenge to run 27 marathons in 27 days for Mandela...

MILE 6 - He completed four, so I am raising awareness to his challenge for the 23 marathons I complete after his four marathons...

Mile 7 - The biggest difference between today's marathon and last Sunday's marathon in Green Bay, at least so far, is that their is a pretty good breeze today that at least for now is cool...

Mile 8 - All rolling hills through beautiful farmland so far...

Mile 9 - Starting to hear more and more sirens...

Mile 10 - Heading into the residential areas now...

Mile 11 - Amazingly the breeze still feels quite cool. Not at all what I expected...

Mile 12 - Just a reminder, if you are following me live and want to know exactly where I am at on each days marathon, I update the blog at the BEGINNING of each mile...

Mile 13 - A very large section of this marathon is on a well paved bike trail. Nice...

Mile 14 - I suddenly find myself with no one in sight... Once I passed the half marathon point, it became just me. I see a sign that tells me I am on course and see the occasional volunteers, but as for runners there are none in sight, ahead or behind!...

Mile 15 - I am feeling excellent so far!...

Mile 16 - The organizers of this event have done an amazing job of putting water stations between water stations...

Mile 17 - That last mile turned to the south and took me directly into the the breeze, which is no longer a breeze, it has become a strong wind...

Mile 18 - And what was a cool breeze is no longer cool. It was great while it lasted!...

Mile 19 - I cannot say enough about the volunteers out here in this heat. They have all been amazing...

Mile 20 - Smooth sailing from here on in...

Mile 21 - I was just informed that the course has officially reached black flag conditions, so if you look questionable they can pull you off the course. That is so much better than canceling an event, because it may be extremely hot, and it may be mile 21, but I feel fantastic...

Mile 22 - I have not felt this in a while. The closer I get to the finish, the stronger I feel...

Mile 23 - Out of the 74 marathons in the last 74 days, this has become by far, my favorite!...

Mile 24 - I am genuinely shocked at how good I feel right now considering it "feels" like it is near 100 degrees!!! I am sure it is no where near that, but it is hot!!!...

Mile 25 - My feet are killing me but that is something I have accepted as a part of the process. That is just a simple matter of pain management!....

Mile 26 - I feel like I can float in on autopilot at this point. Truly a great event that I would highly recommend to anyone. Phenomenal community support!

I have completed a full marathon seven days a week, whether I felt like it or not, as a platform for a book that I spent 9 years working on. 

The message of the book is that we can do pretty much anything ONE DAY AT A TIME.  The book is not about running, it is about improving.  It is about getting better at anything we want to improve at by making small incremental improvements that make the difficult things not only achievable, but relatively easy.  

This book was written for anyone who desires to get motivated and more importantly discover how easy it can be to STAY motivated. 

Anyone can get motivated, very few can stay motivated.  I am giving this book the epic platform that it deserves because I believe that staying motivating is the bridge between dreams and reality. 

This book is available in paperback as a print on demand - if you wish to order a copy or twelve, click here.